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Planning Board Minutes 06/25/07
Public Meeting
Monday, June 25, 2007 @  4:30 p.m.
Town Hall


Present:  Rich Osnoss, Chairman, Billy Meegan, John Flender, PersonNameJanet Weidner,
               Russell Walton, Mitchell Posin, Christina Soulagnet, Admin. Assistant
Absent:   Tim Lasker
Guests:    Bret Stearns, Mark London, Waren Doty, Riggs Parker, Diane Emin.

Call to Order:
Mr. Osnoss opened the meeting at 4:35 p.m.

The June 11, 2007 Meeting Minutes were approved as amended.

The placeIsland Plan - Mark London, MVC Exec. Director
Mark London presented The Island Plan, which is an initiative of, and is coordinated by, the placeMartha's Vineyard Commission.  Mr. London discussed the 2007 Progress Report and the six (6) discussion papers; Housing, Development and Growth, Natural Environment, Energy and Waste, Livelihood & Commerce, and Water Resources.  Mr. London requested the following:
1.  For the Planning Board to read and provide feedback to these discussion papers.
2.  For the Planning Board to join the Network of Planner Advisors and work with/provide
    input to the Development and Growth Forum.
3.  To identify the neighborhoods in Chilmark and define the characteristics of these
    neighborhoods and illustrate these findings on a map.
4.  Look at Zoning By-laws for Chilmark.  How do these affect Chilmark in the long run?

The Board commented that this information might be very useful when updating the Chilmark Master Plan.  The members thanked Mr. London and Mr. Stearns for coming.

Blair & Diane Emin - Map 13, placeLot 10.3
Mr. Osnoss read aloud the letter from Blair and Diane Emin.  In the letter, the Emin's stated that they are considering selling their property on Fannie's Way and are requesting the Road Surveyor/ Planning Board to assess addressStreetMiddle Line Road from Tabor House up to their property.  The Planning Board scheduled the Road Assessment for the Emin's on July 9 at
4:30 p.m.   Christina will post this information at Town Hall.  

In addition, the draft letter to the Emins regarding the Planning Board's interpretation of the 1985 Planning Board's decision to waive the 40" Right of Way, was read aloud, and all members approved of the wording.  Christina will mail the letter to Mr. & Mrs. Emin.

PB Meeting                                                 - 2 -                                         June 25, 2007

Bill Smith - Trade Sign Permit
Mr. Smith appeared before the Board and presented a draft of the trade sign he is requesting to hang in front of his house.  A copy of the Sign By-law, which outlines the sign requirements, was given to Mr. Smith.  The Planning Board reviewed and approved the wording that will be on the sign.  A motion to approve the sign was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

Todd Christy - New Housing Committee Member
Mr. Osnoss read aloud the memo from the Housing Committee, which stated that the terms of the Planning Board appointed members on the Housing Committee have expired.  Tim Lasker referred Todd Christy as a potential new HC member.  After a brief discussion,
Mr. Posin made the motion to approve the appointment of Todd Christy.  Mr. Osnoss seconded and the motion was approved.  John Flender abstained from voting stating he does not know Mr. Christy.  The Board recommends that when appointing a new member, the appointee should be present for the appointment.  Christina will invite Mr. Christy to the next Planning Board meeting for introductions.

Christina to follow-up with Frank Fenner regarding the Consultant's Report for the
number of poles needed in Chilmark for the DAS.

The MVC will vote on Middle Line Road Community Housing Program Form B on Thursday, June 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the placePlaceNameStone PlaceTypeBuilding, Oak Bluffs.  The written decision by the MVC will take place on June 21, 2007.  The Planning Board needs to be prepared to vote on the MLR Form B at the next Planning Board meeting on June 25, 2007.

There was no other business.  Meeting adjourned at 6:34 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Christina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant

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